Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 5: Podcasts

I am excited to be creating a Podcast tonight in class. I feel kind of like a huge dork saying this, but I'm realizing more and more how important it is for me to have these skills both for inside that classroom and outside of it. I recently stopped by the summer camp I work at and they were talking about creating podcasts with the campers this summer. These podcasts can then be accessed by the campers from home and they can share with their parents some of the happenings around camp. As they know that I am currently taking a class on technology (this one!), they have asked me to help with this activity or to just give them a basic tutorial of how to create a podcast. Podcasts are fun because they can be created by children at almost any age. For example, at camp they have talked about doing specific ones for specific age groups where the group can choose the topic for their podcast as it relates to what they're doing at camp. More and more the skills from this class are coming in handy!

In other news, while being quite excited about learning more about technology, I'm also a bit bitter towards it at the moment. My computer stopped working on Sunday and has not decided to start since. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that I have no money to buy a new computer, I am already in debt, and it looks like I'll have to take out a loan to purchase a new one. I knew I was going to have to buy a new laptop before I started my new job as my current one was not going to make the trip to Liberia, but I was hoping I'd be working for part of the summer beforehand so I'd have some money to put towards it. On this note, I believe that technology is not always what it is cracked up to be as it still fails sometimes. Also, technology can be quite expensive which just makes me realize that it really isn't accessible for everyone, further enhancing the inequalities among students.

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