Monday, February 4, 2008

Week 2: Creating my lesson plan pages.

So I have realized in the process of attempting to create the beginnings of the Lesson Plan Project that I am definitely not very competent in using technology. I am easily confused as to how to create all of my pages on the web and link them together. I am also unsure of how to create organizers or different ways to present my work on the actual webpage. For example, the matrix it was necessary to create in order to complete this project. I feel like it is taking a very long time and there has to be an easier way. It is very multi-stepped and complicated. I feel like when we go over these things in class I understand what is going on, but as soon as I start to do it on my own at home I cannot remember how to do it or I patch something together that seems to work.

On a seperate note:
As we briefly talked about video games last class, it made me remember something I recently read in Outside magazine. It stated that research showed that those who played video games were less likely to be distracted during competitions by outside things. It was interesting because I've never been someone who has used videogames and I've never thought they were a good way to spend large amounts of time, but it seems they do have their benefits.

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